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WA Pocket Ophthalmascope With Rechargeable Handle


SKU: WA12800 Categories: ,


The Welch Allyn 2.5V Pocket Scope Ophthalmoscope uses halogen light for true tissue color and consistent long-lasting illumination * Model 12800 is lightweight and compact and comes with a rechargeable handle and has five aperture selections for general and specialist use * 48 lenses for better resolution * Its polarized filter reduces corneal reflection * Plus 12 aperture/filter combinations for greater versatility: micro small and large spot sizes cobalt blue filter for corneal exams fixation target and slit aperture plus red-free filter and unfiltered halogen * 2.5v PocketScope Ophthalmoscope with Rechargeable Handle * Uses rechargeable battery 72600 * 2.5v Halogen Lamp * Lightweight and compact * 5 aperture selections for general and specialist use * 48 lenses for better resolution * Polarized filter reduces corneal reflection * 12 aperture/filter combinations: micro small and large spot sizes cobalt blue filter for corneal exams fixation target and slit aperture red-free filter and unfiltered halogen


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